Sensory and Chemical Changes of Cold and Hot Brew Arabica Coffee at Various Resting Time

Nurul Asiah, Mustofa Aqil, Nabiilah Salmaa Dwiranti, Wahyudi David, Ardiansyah Ardiansyah


Coffee is one of the most popular beverages which are rich in sensory attributes.  What is the best time for brewing coffee after roasting is important question for consumer. In general, people do not directly brew coffee that has just been roasted. The chemical change which causes sensory changes still continues during the resting time.  Enjoying coffee is about taste, everyone has different preferences. Some people prefer bitter coffee; some people like the sour taste and some others consume sweet coffee. Therefore, information about sensory and chemical profile is needed to give several options for consumer to choose their brewing method and brewing time before the coffee has decreased in sensory quality. This current study aims to know sensory and chemical changes of cold and hot brew Arabica coffee at various resting time. The materials were coffee beans Arabica Jawa Gunung Halu obtained from Cibeber, Sidangkerta Village, Mekarsari District, Bandung Regency, West Java. The roasted bean stored at various resting time (1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 days) than brewed in cold and hot brew methods. Sensory evaluation was conducted by 10 trained panelists using quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). Furthermore, chemical analyses which were evaluated consist of the value of pH, brix and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS). The results showed that longer resting time followed by sensory characteristics changes on aroma, after taste, sweetness that is in line with chemical attributes change in Brix. Moreover color change in line with TDS change. While the different brewing techniques show that hot brew has higher value than cold brew in most all of parameters except Brix value.

Keywordschemical, coffee, panelists, resting time, sensory


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