Anasta Ensenanda Wulansari, Dominica A. Widyastuti


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor terhadap loyalitas konsumen produk J.Co dan Dunkin 'Donuts'. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei self-administered survey. Responden diambil dari lima pusat komersial di Jakarta (Plaza Festival, Mall Ambasador, Kuningan City Mall, Stasiun Gambir dan Universitas Bakrie). Kuesioner tersebut tersebar untuk konsumen J.Co dan Dunkin 'Donuts dan sebanyak 150 responden diperoleh. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode multivariate analysis termasuk analisis reliabilitas, analisis validitas, dan uji t sampel independen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan berarti antara variabel J.Co dan Dunkin 'Donuts. Corporate branding yang mempengaruhi loyalitas konsumen produk J.Co dan Dunkin 'Donuts'. Namun, konsumsi status tidak menunjukkan efek pada loyalitas konsumen produk J.Co dan Dunkin 'Donuts'. Bersamaan dengan itu, corporate branding dan status consumption mempengaruhi loyalitas konsumen produk J.Co dan Dunkin 'Donuts' sebesar 14.8%.

Kata Kunci: Corporate brand, konsumsi status, loyalitas konsumen.

This study aims to analyze factors towards consumer loyalty of J.Co and Dunkin’ Donuts’ products. The data were collected through self-administered survey. Respondents were taken from five commercial centers at Jakarta (Plaza Festival, Mall Ambasador, Kuningan City Mall, Gambir Station and Bakrie University). The questionnaires were spread out for the consumers of J.Co and Dunkin 'Donuts. A total of 150 respondents were obtained. Collected data were analyzed using multivariate analysis methods including reliability analysis, validity analysis, and independent samples t-test. The results of this research indicate that there is no significant means difference between the variables of J.Co and Dunkin’ Donuts. Corporate branding effecting consumer loyalty of J.Co and Dunkin’ Donuts’ products. However, status consumption does not show any effect on consumer loyalty of J.Co and Dunkin' Donuts’ products. Simultaneously, corporate branding and status consumption affecting consumer loyalty of J.Co and Dunkin’ Donuts’ products.

Keywords: Corporate brand, status consumption, consumer loyalty.


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