Characteristic of Pangium Edule Reinw as food preservative from different geographical sites

Anwar Kasim, Wahyudi David


The objective of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of Picung (Pangium Edule Reinw) from two geographical sites (P1: Picung from Batusangkar; P2: Picung from Bogor) in preserving Mackerel (Rastrellinger sp) which is bought fresh from fishermen. Analysis conducted on fish include: moisture content, pH, crude protein and anti-microbial properties in traditional fish recipe. The traditional recipe is Pado fish which consists of dried picung pulp, coconut and other spices. Mean were compared using student t-test and the level of significant different was determined at p < 0.05. The t-test uses 2-sample assuming equal variance analysis. The result shows that there is no significant different in moisture content, pH and crude protein between P1 and P2 (p>0.05). Cyanide level of both picung after submerged in water for 1 day is 17.5 mg/kg and 30.1 mg/kg. Further, according to SNI: 01-7152-2006 the level of cyanide acid after applies in traditional recipe is 1 mg/kg. Salmonella sp were detected negative during 72h storage. Cyanide acid was not significantly different between two samples (p>0.05). There is no significant different in effectiveness in preserving the food between (P1) and (P2). Total microbes ranged between 2.2 x104 - 7.0 x104 for 24h storage it is confirmed with SNI 01-2729.1-2006 total maximum microbe is 5.5 x 105 colony/gr. It may be some influence of traditional recipe prolong the preservation time.



Keywords— Pangium Edule Reinw, food preservative, geographical sites.



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