The novel fraction of rice bran as functional food ingredients

. Ardiansyah


A life style-related disease has become prevalent worldwide including in Indonesia as a result of changes in lifestyle and eating habits.  Intake of western diet with low dietary fiber and less exercise activity are causes of this diseases and major risk factors of death in recent years. These diseases associated with a number of serious medical complications, such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver, and certain cancers. Currently, there is increasing linked science and knowledge between functional food, diet intake, and health. Consumption of various functional food and nutraceutical derived from edible plants, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and fermented food has been regarded as a preventive factor against these diseases. Therefore, any active compounds from food having the ability to reduce life style-related diseases are a potential candidate for functional food. Hypertension is one manifestation of life style-related diseases and continues to be a top major cause of death beside stroke in Indonesia (Pusdatin, 2015).  The control and management of hypertension through food intake has been a focus of public health strategies in the recent years. A 5-mm Hg decrease in hypertension has been equated with a 16% decrease in this disease (FitzGerald et al., 2004).


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