The Service Delivery and Customer Relation Management In Increasing the Customer Value

Dorothy R. H. Pandjaitan


Banking services can not be separated from customer in which banking service delivery is used as a common yardstick to evaluate the service delivery and how well the customer relation is managed by the bank. Bank is required to deliver its service in order to maintain its customer loyalty and to increase customer value. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of service delivery and customer relation management toward customer value. The subjects of this research are customers of “Siger Mas” and the “Simpeda” savings of Bank of Lampung.

Three sub variables consisting of the level supporting physical availability, the supporting conveniences facilities, and personal contacts were employed to measure the service performance. Three sub variables consisting of the process of creating the customer value, responsibility, and process product in another hand are used to measure customer relation management. Customer value was measured by the benefit indicators and sacrifice burden of the customers. It was succeeded to collect data from a total of 431 respondents consisting of all customers of the “Sigermas” and the “Simpeda” Savings from five branches and headquarter of Bank Lampung.

Result shows that service delivery and customer relation management influence customer value. However, service delivery has stronger influence than the customer relation management.

Keywords: service delivery, customer relation management, customer value, customer loyalty.



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