Category Membership: Suatu Pendekatan Analisis Positioning pada Food Convenience Retail di Jakarta

Ananda Fortunisa, Bambang Trihartanto


Category membership is a brand of excellence and functionality of a closest substitute product. In this case,marketers sort product attributes or benefits into two points, point of parity and point of difference, in order to formthe frame of reference of the product. Frame of reference can help marketers to find out who its competitors are andwhere to position himself in the membership category. This study aims to examine the factors forming the 7-Eleven 'spositioning and to determine 7-Eleven 's category membership in the retail business in Indonesia. Both of these isvery important to investigate, because 7-Eleven is not nor in convenience store neither in food store anyway. Thisstudy uses descriptive method verification, which is implemented through field data collection by distributingquestionnaires to 150 respondents in three outlets, Matraman, Plaza Festival, and Farnan Menteng. Respondentswere selected at 1;andom, and who had been shopping at 7-Eleven. Based on the perspective of the respondents, theresults showed that 7-Eleven is not clearly in the group membership categories, whether in the category ofcommodities business retailer or restaurant services retailer. This is because although 7 -Eleven has a patented foodproduct but 7-Eleven also sells merchandise day-to-day needs. The results suggest that 7-Eleven has to morefocusing in what types of retailer category, so it was able to under,stand who its competitors and how to deal with it.

Keyword: category membership, positioning, food-convenience retail



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