Developing Concept of Customary Based Tree Tenure to maintaining Tree in North Sumatera Indonesia

Tri - Martial, Mhd Asaad


Abstract— The research aims to develop the concept of tree tenure-based Dalihan na tolu custom in the management of trees on public land in South Tapanuli. This study became the basis to develop the management systems to encourage people planting and maintaining trees as a clarity of tree tenure systems. Tree tenure systems relating to the local rules, which is influenced by customary rules. In the long term it is important to address the environmental damage caused by the trees felling. The concept of land and tree tenure  systems based Dalihan na tolu custom, which can be the basis of tree management policy on public land. Results illustrate that the role of local communities in the Dalihan na Natolu customary system decrease in land and trees management. The development of the tenure concept-based of indigenous peoples need a cearly structuring in variety of roles. Differentiation of the indigenous peoples role in managing land and tree resources required in a well-established institution that aims to strengthen claims the rights of the common interest.

Keywords: Land and tree tenure, Dalihan na tolu, security of tenure, local institutions


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