Moisture Desorption Isotherms of Squids

Van Toan Pham, Duc Anh Le


Moisture desorption isotherms of squids were determined by the method of saturated salt, at temperatures of 30 ̊C, 40 ̊C and 50 ̊C in the range of air relative humidity from 11.10% to 80.27%. The initial moisture contents were in the range of 83.5% - 84% wet basis. The final moisture content was considered as the equilibrium moisture content. Twelve different mathematical equations are brought into comparison to determine the effects of temperature and relative humidity on equilibrium moisture content of squids. The criteria, including correlation coefficient, root mean square error and chi-squared distribution, are examined in this study to select the appropriate equations. The analysis results show that modified Halsey is the most appropriate equation to predict the equilibrium moisture content of squids. Modified Oswin, modified Chung-Pfost and modified Henderson equations are also efficient, respectively, while Smith and Caurie equations are not consistent with the experimental results


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